Do It Yourself
How To Fix A Chipped Or Cracked Windshield

(404) 313-9129
In Less Than An Hour

What You Will Learn
1. This surprisingly affective solution that is as close to a professional job as you can get. Professional glass repair shops use a similar method.
2. Windshield construction. What auto glass is composed of and how it is made.
3. Why a chip turns into a crack. The main reason chips turn to cracks and spread.
4. Tools needed. Everything you need to get the job done at home.
5. Prepping the Windshield. How to get you glass ready for the repair. Very crucial information that could be the difference between it being done right or wrong.
6. Windshield Repair. Step by step instructions for you to follow in an easy to read format.
7. Windshield Replacement. How to know if the damage is too extensive and if you need a replacement.
Remember to take care of those cracks as soon as possible, especially those that are in your line of vision. Stay Safe Atlanta!​
Why You Should Repair Your
Windshield Immediately
Even if it's just a small chip or crack
A windshield repair is quick and affordable.
A small chip can turn into a large crack before you know it.
A crack in your windshield is enough to create a distraction while driving and could possibly lead to a ticket by the police.

QuickStrike Autoglass Repair is a homegrown company with over 10 years of experience doing windshield repair! We service all of Metro Atlanta and more. If you want fast, mobile service and excellent Auto glass work backed by a LIFETIME warranty, call us now.